
Amidst the imminent collision of Earth with a colossal planet, Amy, a closeted lesbian in her 70s, attends her friends’ wedding ceremony. There, she reunites with Patricia, her secret love from their youth. Amy finally confesses her love to Patricia. In the face of impending catastrophe, they embrace their love and meet their fate together as the world ends.

Director Biography – Jocelyn Jihyun Koo

Jocelyn Koo is a filmmaker with training from the Korea National University of Arts and the University of Southern California. She’s a writer, director, and editor known for her short film “Hair Salon,” featured at Korean film festivals like the Seoul Independent Film Festival and the Seoul International Women’s Film Festival. She took on a bigger challenge with her first feature film, “Kyungmi’s World,” winning the Cinematography Prize at the Busan International Film Festival.

Her passion lies in exploring the subtle complexities of relationships, aiming to bring those hidden stories to light. Jocelyn wants her films to touch people’s hearts, showing them unfamiliar lives and inspiring change.


Director Statement

In creating “Only the Lovers,” my main goal was to explore the themes of secrets and courage. The story revolves around Amy, who had kept her true feelings and identity hidden for a long time, unable to embrace her love for Patricia openly.

As we approach Earth’s final moments, Amy finally summons the courage to be true to herself. She reveals her feelings to Patricia, and for the last few hours of their lives, they share their love openly, with no more secrets in front of others.

I wanted to show the difficulties of showing your true self to the world, the weight of keeping secrets, and the incredible bravery it takes to be honest. Amy’s journey is a reflection of the challenges we all face in revealing our true selves to others.

I hope this film inspires people to find their own strength and live authentically, even in the face of life’s toughest moments.